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      龙图酒家-Bubor Cha Cha
      2022-12-21 20:43:31发布 450次浏览
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      • 联系人:龙图酒家
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      • 区域:波士顿 45 Beach St, Boston, MA, 02111
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    Bubor Cha Cha

    天天茶市 即叫即蒸

    Bubor Cha Cha is one of Boston's most
    notable Cantonese restaurants. Our staffs are efficient, and most of our dishes
    are portioned for you to share with others. Our extensive menu features items
    that are reasonably priced, and most bear the influence of traditional
    Cantonese cuisine. Our chefs specialize in making fabulous Hong Kong dim sum
    and other traditional Cantonese entrees.

    The Cantonese cuisine is broad and rare in
    ingredients, exquisite in matching of ingredients, good at taking initiative
    after imitation, and modifying according to the tastes of guests. To maintain
    food quality and satisfy our guests, we pay much attention to the cleanness,
    freshness, smoothness, tenderness, and crispiness of our foods. Our Dim Sum are
    freshly make in the kitchen once our guests choose their desired dishes.

    We are proud to serve the freshest seafood
    from the oceans. Our
    Live Seafood part of the menu includes live fishes and bubbling containers of
    prawns, crabs, scallops, clams, oysters and other seafood in tanks. Preparing
    fresh and live seafood is a culinary art in Hong Kong, so our skilled Cantonese
    chefs will have our guests salivating over the distinctive flavors and textures
    of our seafood dishes.

    We are always here for you and your guests whether it
    is early in the morning for breakfast, just past noon for lunch or family
    gathering at dinner. Overall, it is a great and casual place for authentic Hong
    Kong dining experience.

    Open Hour:

    Sun - Thurs 8:30am -12:00am

    Fri - Sat 8:30am - 2:00am.

    [ - 收缩]


    Beach St, Boston, MA, 02111

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