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      Haleakalā National Park Directions

      2023-09-06 23:56:49发布,长期有效,1075浏览
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    • 区域:洛杉矶
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    Who’s to argue with the local saying Maui no ka oi— ‘Maui is the best’. The ‘Valley Isle’ is named after the Polynesian demigod, who, after having plucked all the Hawaiian islands up out of the sea, decided to make this, the most beautiful one, his home. Nothing beats the views of and from the hulking mass of 10,023-foot Haleakala (‘House of the Sun’), whose dormant volcanic crater, 2,600 feet deep and 21 miles around, is the largest in the world—so big that the island of Manhattan could fit inside.
    Annually, more than 1.5 million visitors follow a must-do tradition and make the 3 a.m. ascent through the cool upcountry landscape to Haleakala’s lofty peak to watch a sunrise that Mark Twain called “the sublimest spectacle I ever witnessed”. Just going up the mountain is an experience in itself; it’s the only place in the world where you can drive from sea level to over 10,000 feet in just 38 miles. The two-hour trip snakes through three different climate zones along the way and offers magnificent views of the islan

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