·洛杉矶 [切换]
      江南会馆-Kang Nam Restaurant
      2023-09-06 23:58:37发布 943次浏览
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      • 联系人:江南会馆-Kang Nam Restaurant
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
      • 区域:洛杉矶 4103 W. Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90019
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    • 信息详情

    Since 1982, Kang Nam has become a landmark in Los Angeles for fine Korean cuisine. It has become a favorite among locals and has even garnered a reputation among Koreans in Korea. Korean dignitaries, businessmen, and celebrities visiting Los Angeles dine here whenever they miss the food of their homeland. Kang Nam has had the privilege of preparing meals for past visiting Korean presidents.

    Chef/owner Sang Hun Lee is classically trained in Korean and Japanese cuisine and has been in the business for over 50 years. HIs culinary journey has taken him from his native Korea to New York and finally to Los Angeles where he continues to bring the best in Korean cuisine. His philosphy has always been about ingredient driven food and that there should be no compromise in quality. As such, Chef Lee personally selects and buys all meats, fishes, and vegetables daily.
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