全球最大的城市公园之一,占地四千亩,其中有健行小径,骑马道,高尔夫球场,野餐区,迷你火车,以及葛瑞费斯天文台,洛杉矶传统博物馆,到动物园可走10号西行转5号北行从 ZOO DR出口即可到达。 南加州自然学家约翰缪尔(John Muir)曾经说过:探索宇宙最明智的方法,就是去森林荒野。这座覆盖广大森林的葛瑞费斯公园——全美拥有都市森林的第一大城市公园,和它那绵延数英里的小径丶以及似乎永无休止的惊人奇观,都为这位自然学家的观点提供了最好的论证。公园中最具特色的包括葛瑞费斯天文台(Griffith Observatory)丶美国西部博物馆(Museum of the American West)以及洛杉矶动植物园( LA Zoo and Botanical Gardens)。建议您在护林员办公室索取一份地图和景点列表。 比较值得看的景点: [b]BIRD SANCTUARY[/b] 2900 NORTH VERMONT AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90027 (323) 666-5046 On Vermont Canyon Road, in a wooded canyon with a small stream, the sanctuary offers views of many species of birds in their natural habitat. Sanctuary open daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. [b]FERNDELL NATURE MUSEUM/Western Canyon[/b] 5375 Red Oak Drive Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 666-5046 Reached by the Western Avenue entrance, this is a paradise of ferns, flowers and plants of many kinds growing along a tumbling brook, forming a haven of cool shade on a hot summer day. A snack stand and picnic area are available. Los Angeles Cultural-Historical Monument #112. [b]HOLLYWOOD SIGN[/b] Los Angeles Cultural-Historical Monument #111 Views of the historic Los Angeles landmark can be gained from many hiking trails in the Park as well as the Griffith Observatory. [b]STATUARY[/b] A number of statues have been dedicated throughout Griffith Park.
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4730 Crystal Spring Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90027