·洛杉矶 [切换]

      圣盖博大剧院-San Gabriel Mission Playhouse

      2022-09-30 09:57:01发布,长期有效,587浏览
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    • 区域:洛杉矶 圣盖博
    • 地址:320 S. Mission Dr., San Gabriel, CA 91776
      • 联系人:圣盖博大剧院
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
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    • 信息详情

    San Gabriel Mission Playhouse promotes the development of an artistic program that celebrates the vibrancy of our diverse community by encouraging access to artists, producers and audiences.

    Located in the heart of a historic neighborhood, we embrace our role as a focal point for the arts, for the people of the City of San Gabriel and far beyond.

    We are proud to be host to a remarkable and eclectic array of productions and events ranging from Chinese Classical Ballet to Ballet Folklorico, from Asian hip-hop to Classical Symphonies, from some of the best Mariachi bands in existence to stunning Broadway shows.

    Add to this, some of the nations' best touring Children's Theater productions or the amazing experience of a Silent-Movie classic on the big screen brought to life with thrilling sounds of one of the country's finest theater organs played live in this unique, evocative and historic space and you'll see why we're so happy to offer what is truly A World of Arts and Culture!

    We'd love to welcome to you any of these wonderful performances. If you'd simply like a tour of the theatre, please contact the Managing Director at 626-308-2865 ext. 227

    [ - 收缩]


     320 S. Mission Dr., San Gabriel, CA 91776

    From the 210 Foothill Freeway, east, exit at San Gabriel Blvd. and go south approximately 4 miles to Broadway and turn right. Take Broadway to Santa Anita St and turn left. Take Santa Anita St to Miss


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    圣盖博大剧院-San Gabriel Mission Playhouse 圣盖博大剧院-San Gabriel Mission Playhouse 圣盖博大剧院-San Gabriel Mission Playhouse

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