·洛杉矶 [切换]

      加州大学尔湾分校-University Of California, Irvine

      2022-10-03 06:08:48发布,长期有效,459浏览
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    • 区域:洛杉矶
    • 地址: University Dr, Irvine, CA
      • 联系人: 加州大学尔湾分校
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
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    • 信息详情

    Located in the heart of Orange County in a city named “Safest City in

    America” for fi ve consecutive years, the University of California, Irvine enjoys

    the best of what Southern California has to offer: beaches, mountains,

    deserts, and a broad variety of cultural, entertainment and intellectual activities.

    At the center of campus, the 21-acre Daniel Aldrich Park creates an

    oasis of serenity from which buildings radiate in a circular pattern, integrating

    natural open space with modern structure.

    UCI is among the fastest-growing UC campuses, is a member of the

    prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU), and is consistentlyranked among the nation’s best universities, public and private. Recent additions

    to UCI’s growing number of professional schools and programs include

    public health, pharmaceutical sciences and nursing science programs,

    as well as a new School of Law that opened in Fall 2009.

    UC Irvine is committed to excellence through diversity. It strives to

    enroll academically talented students representative of the population,

    including those traditionally underrepresented in various academic fi elds.

    UCI’s goal of promoting diversity among faculty, students and staff shapes

    endeavors in teaching, research and public service.

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     University Dr, Irvine, CA


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    加州大学尔湾分校-University Of California, Irvine 加州大学尔湾分校-University Of California, Irvine

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