April, 1984: Originally from Tokunoshima, founder and president of the Shin-Sen-Gumi Group Mitsuyasu Shigeta moves to Hakata (Kyushu, Japan) to attend university. While working at a part-time job at the yakitori restaurant “Tonsho” he discovers the delicious taste of Hakata-style yakitori.
April, 1988: After graduating from a university in Fukuoka, at the age of 22 Mr. Shigeta sets off to study in English in Los Angeles.
September, 1992: The Shin-Sen-Gumi Group’s first restaurant “Shin-Sen-Gumi Yakitori” opens.
June, 1996: Shin-Sen-Gumi Hakata Ramen Restaurant (Gardena) and Shin-Sen-Gumi Yakitori Restaurant (Gardena) open at the same time.
October, 1997: Shin-Sen-Gumi Sozaiya Take-out (Torrance) opens.
December, 2000: Shin-Sen-Gumi Yakitori Restaurant (Fountain Valley) and Shin-Sen-Gumi Hakata Ramen Restaurant (Fountain Valley) open at the same time.
October, 2004: Shin-Sen-Gumi opens their first restaurant in Japan “Magokoro” in Kanda, Tokyo.
July, 2005: Shin-Sen-Gumi Shabu Shabu Restaurant (Gardena) and Shin-Sen-Gumi Hakata Ramen Restaurant (Rosemead) open.
December, 2006: Shin-Sen-Gumi 2go (Gardena) opens.
September, 2007: Shin-Sen-Gumi Yakitori & Shabu Shabu (Monterey Park) opens.
* The Shin-Sen-Gumi Group is planning to expand to New York, San Diego, Hawaii, Las Vegas, and Europe.
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111 N Atlantic Blvd, Monterey Park, CA 91754-1582