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      T-Swirl 可丽饼店-T-Swirl: NYC Crepe
      2022-04-21 00:40:45发布 499次浏览
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      • 联系人:T-Swirl 可丽饼店-T-Swirl: NYC Crepe
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      • 区域:纽约 * 40-08 Union St. Flushing, NY 11354;247 E14th st. New York NY 10003;58 W 8th St, New York, NY 10011;150 N 10th st. Philadelphia, PA 19107;
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    • 信息详情
    The story of T-swirl Crepe NYC starts thousands of miles away on the shores of Japan. The Japanese NYC Crepe borrows from a western concept and modernized it into new level of versatility that you can gobble on the go. Building on this new concept, T-swirl started to research and have perfected the 100% gluten free rice flour batter, to craft a crispy thin chewy layer that embraces all the decadent condiments. T-swirl Crepe NYC is synonymous with using the finest ingredients to construct a trendy/artistic crepe that arrives to your hand with incredible speed. We have standardized the process to give you a consistently clean and delicious NYC crepe.

    T-swirl NYC crepe is the only destination to satisfy your NYC crepe cravings. As you crack open the door, the initial whiff is enchanting. The air perfumes with aroma of fresh fruits and savory bacon as you walk closer to the counter. Once there, you are greeted with an inviting smile; letting you know that you are about to embark on a mouth-watering adventure. We have sweet and savory crepes that can satisfy your taste buds.

    Our experts skillfully pour the exact amount of batter, and the placement of each ingredient to produce the perfect NYC crepe. Each bite, no matter sweet or savory, is identical and bursting with fresh exquisite flavor.

    T-swirl may be known for artistic creation and delicious cuisine, but our core philosophy is build upon phenomenal customer service, quality, consistency, cleanliness and convenience. It is not just a place to search for a quick meal, but a place of discovery and embrace for your soul. Come to one of our locations and embark on a memorable journey of the senses! 联系我时,请说是在华人街生活网看到的,谢谢!
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