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      Ivan Ramen Slurp Shop
      2022-08-30 07:31:26发布 775次浏览
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      • 联系人:Ivan Ramen Slurp Shop
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
      • 区域:纽约 600 11th Avenue, New York, NY, 10036
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    • 信息详情

    Ivan Orkin’s story is one of legend in the food community:
    A self described “Jewish Kid from Long Island”, Ivan realized his dream of cooking while doing it in Japan on his terms.
    Armed with a degree in Japanese from the University of Colorado Boulder, Ivan immediately moved to Japan upon graduating and cemented his love of everything Japanese.
    He returned to the US in 1990, and after some career experimentation, found his way to the Culinary Institute of America where he finally found his calling.
    Upon graduation from the CIA and stints at Mesa Grill, Lutece and Restaurant Associates, Ivan returned to Tokyo to rediscover his Japanese “roots”. He taught cooking classes, explored his options and enjoyed his time as a stay at home dad. Ivan eventually realized it was time to combine his love for Japan and cooking, and in 2007 the first Ivan Ramen was born.
    This move seemed destined for failure in a country where ramen has a cult status. Ivan not only succeeded, but became one of the t
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