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      • 联系人:Spice Symphony
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
      • 区域:纽约 150 E 50th St, NYC, NY, 10022
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    About Us

    Spice Symphony was opened in late 2012 by a group of talented individuals with a collective vision of bringing sophisticated flavors of food by using “Grand Mother” like cooking from different regions of India. Our Team is focused on making Spice Symphony dining experience one of a kind.

    Spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetative substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring of food. Spices may have extra use usually medicinal, religious ritual, cosmetics or perfume production, or as a vegetable. For example, turmeric roots are consumed as a vegetable and garlic as an antibiotic. Spices were among the most demanded and expensive products available in Europe in the Middle Ages, the most common being black pepper, cinnamon ,cumin, nutmeg, ginger and cloves. Given the medieval medicine's main theory of humorism, spices and herbs were indispensable to balance "humors" in food, a daily basis for good health at a time of recurrent pandemics.
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