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      Brooklyn Hospital Center

      2022-05-12 04:27:46发布,长期有效,668浏览
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    • 区域:纽约
      • 联系人:Brooklyn Hospital Center
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    • 信息详情

    Here at The Brooklyn Hospital Center we are passionate about our commitment to service excellence. We have a long standing history of providing high-quality health care services to all who come through our doors. We are a teaching hospital and pride ourselves on the professional development of our staff. We promote a workplace culture that embraces diversity and a shared commitment to delivering exceptional health care service. We encourage talented individuals who wish to join in this shared commitment to explore the rewarding career opportunities available at our Hospital.
    We offer an optimistic and stimulating work environment, competitive salaries, and an attractive benefits package. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
    To search for a position, please use the various search options below and then click the "Search" button. If you wish to apply to any of our listed employment opportunities, please click the "Login to Apply" button below. Those new to our site will need to create a username and password to

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