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      The New 42nd Street, Inc.

      2022-05-12 04:28:42发布,长期有效,764浏览
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    • 区域:纽约
      • 联系人:The New 42nd Street, Inc.
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    • 信息详情

    The New 42nd Street leads the dynamic evolution of the reinvented 42nd Street, cultivating a unique cultural and entertainment destination at the Crossroads of the World. In all its endeavors, The New 42nd Street pursues excellence and innovation. By leading the renewal of 7 historic theaters, by creating unique innovative cultural institutions and by building a home for nonprofit arts organizations in the heart of Times Square, The New 42nd Street ignited a transformation that makes Times Square the iconic and family-friendly entertainment destination it is today.
    The New 42nd Street was founded in 1990 by New York City and State in response to the neglected stretch of urban decay that was 42nd Street between 7th and 8th Avenues. Originally charged with the restoration and long-term oversight of seven historic theaters, The New 42nd Street boldly took on three projects of its own: The New Victory Theater, a performing arts theater devoted to kids and families; the New 42nd Street Studios, a state-of-the-art, 10-story perform

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