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      纽约消防博物馆-New York City Fire Museum

      2022-05-23 23:45:29发布,长期有效,621浏览
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    • 区域:纽约
    • 地址:278 Spring Street, New York City, NY, 10013
      • 联系人:纽约消防博物馆-New York City Fire Museum
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
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    • 信息详情

    The mission of the New York City Fire Museum is to collect, preserve and present the history and cultural heritage of the fire service of New York and to provide fire prevention and safety education to the public, especially children.
    The FDNY's original museum opened as the Fire College Museum in Long Island City in 1934. In 1959 the collection was moved to the spare bay of a working firehouse at 100 Duane Street in Manhattan, where it remained until the Home Insurance Company presented its own extensive collection of fire memorabilia to the city in 1981, making a move to larger space imperative. A new non-profit, The Friends of the New York City Fire Department Collection, was created to raise funds to renovate the former quarters of Engine Company No. 30, a 1904 Beaux-Arts firehouse on Spring Street, and in 1987, the New York City Fire Museum opened its doors.
    Displays illustrate the evolution of firefighting from the bucket brigades of Peter Stuyvesant's New Amsterdam through the colorful history of volunteer fir

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