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      服装技术学院博物馆-Museum at Fashion Institute of Technology

      2022-05-23 23:45:48发布,长期有效,307浏览
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    • 区域:纽约
    • 地址:7th Ave W 27th St, New York, NY, 10001
      • 联系人:服装技术学院博物馆-Museum at Fashion Institute of Technology
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
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    • 信息详情

    Admission to the museum displaying articles from the permanent collection, as well as changing exhibits on fashion, is always free.
    The Museum at FIT is one of a select group of specialized fashion museums, including the Musée de la Mode, the Mode Museum, and the Museo de la Moda. For the 100,000 people who visit The Museum at FIT each year, we work to create exhibitions, programs, and publications that both entertaining and educational. The mission of the Museum is to collect, conserve, document, exhibit, and interpret fashion. Founded in 1969, the Museum was installed in the current building in 1974, and exhibitions began to be presented in 1975.
    The Museum is best known for its innovative and award winning special exhibitions, including London Fashion, which received the first Richard Martin Award for Excellence in the Exhibition of Costume from the Costume Society of America; The Corset: Fashioning the Body, which explored the most controversial garment in the history of fashion; and Madame Grès: The Sphinx o

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