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      弗农山酒店博物馆-Mount Vernon Hotel Museum

      2022-05-23 23:46:37发布,长期有效,855浏览
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    • 区域:纽约
    • 地址:421 East 61st Street, New York City, NY, 10065
      • 联系人:弗农山酒店博物馆-Mount Vernon Hotel Museum
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
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    tep back in time and take a guided tour through our eight fully furnished period rooms and our beautiful garden or join us for one of our unique public programs. Constructed in 1799 as a carriage house and converted into a hotel in 1826, the Museum transports the visitor back to the Mount Vernon Hotel, a country escape for New Yorkers living in the crowded city at the southern tip of Manhattan.
    “Well, I’d passed it a hundred times it seems before I ever went in. A small little stone house with a cute front porch and flowers lining the walk; I always figured it was a private home. Luckily for New York, it isn’t. The Mount Vernon Hotel Museum, formerly known as the Abigail Adams Smith Museum, is one of the nicest treasures I’ve ever come across in all my years in the city. The whole house is a reinterpretation of the Mount Vernon Hotel, which operated in this building back in the 1820s and 30s. As you learn on the tour, lots of fashionable people stopped by, ate turtle soup and swam in the East River for fun and refreshm

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