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      Symphony Space

      2022-05-20 07:30:08发布,长期有效,381浏览
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    Symphony Space got its start on January 7, 1978. That day, Isaiah Sheffer and Allan Miller opened the padlocked doors to the Symphony Theatre to the hundreds of people waiting in the cold to see Wall to Wall Bach, the first of many free twelve-hour music marathons that would become a signature event. The building had started life as a public market, and at various times it was an ice skating rink, boxing arena and movie theatre. It took two unique visionaries to see that this down-at-the-heels theatre would be embraced by its cultured and educated neighbors and become the centerpiece of the Upper West Side Renaissance.
    As that first Wall to Wall drew to a close late in the winter night, hundreds of professional and amateur singers raised their voices to join with a pick-up orchestra of classical stars and neighborhood professionals in the stunningly evocative Bach B-minor Mass. It was an inspiring event to those lucky enough to be there, but it also made it to national television, courtesy of Morton Dean and the CBS Evening N

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