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      Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park

      2023-09-06 23:45:44发布,长期有效,339浏览
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    • 区域:旧金山
    • 地址:Newton B Drury Scenic Pkwy, Orick, CA, 95555
      • 联系人:Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park
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    • 信息详情

    Set aside in the early 1920's by the forethought of the people of California and the generosity of the Save-the-Redwoods League, Prairie Creek is a sanctuary of old growth coast redwood.
    Prairie Creek offers hiking, nature study, wildlife viewing, beach combing, picnicking, a visitor center with exhibits and a nature store.
    This park, along with Del Norte Coast, Jedediah Smith, and the National Park Service's Redwood National Park, are managed cooperatively by the National Park Service and the California Department of Parks and Recreation. These parks make up 45 percent of all the old-growth redwood forest remaining in California.
    Location/ Directions
    50 miles north of Eureka and 25 miles south of Crescent City on Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway off of Highway 101. Latitude/Longitude: 41.4072 / -124.0192
    The visitor center & Elk Prairie Campground are located at the southern end of the Parkway.
    Gold Bluffs Beach Campground and Fern Canyon are accessed by Davison Road, which is, located 3 mil

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