·旧金山 [切换]

      Rent1bd1bth$65-1day/$1800-1月包清理2人/山上海湾景特大间 分享厕浴 独立进出 家俱 包日用水电 吃喝玩买逛游三番去机场出行没车也便利

      2023-10-18 03:23:00发布,长期有效,703浏览
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    • 区域:旧金山
      • 联系人:Rent1bd1bth$65-1day/$1800-1月包清理2人/山上海湾景特大间 分享厕浴 独立进出 家俱 包日用水电 吃喝玩买逛游三番去机场出行没车也便利
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    【房屋出租】出租山上海湾景约123平方英尺和房一体一室. 独立进出 浴室分享 包家俱水电 极少或不炊烟 吃喝玩买逛游 SF机场 出行没车也便利.它坐落在山坡上可俯瞰日出和日落,被美丽的鲜花和绿树的环绕,吸引着不同品种的舞蝶争相起舞 群蜂采密 鸟儿互表爱意的鸣唱,后院山坡的森林里动物尤其是小松鼠和小鹿们的彼此嬉戏追逐和美丽的海湾风光渲染, 使这里居住环境显得那样的安静祥和。
    中心位置,开车几分钟是高速公路580 238 880 出口。走10分钟到公交站然后到达公平海湾购物中心和地铁站(快走20多分钟 开车13分鈡也可到达。周末此购物中心有农贸集市). 也可做公交车或地铁去奥克兰唐人街或三藩市商城. 近加利福尼 亚大学伯克利16英里/加州州立东湾大学/查博特湖学院/利弗购物中心/查博特湖公园可散步或大水库里划船. 离华人超市/中式餐/广东早茶/便利店/医院/ 快餐/购物/医院/车维修/邮局快递10分钟左右. 吃喝玩买逛游三番去机场出行便利/近公交车 地铁 快速公路/叫出租价低/不买车也方便出行.
    在城市圣利安德鲁94578 此邮编因紧挨城市卡斯特罗峡谷Castro Valley所以同属县管理。如有意请发信息5109258001我回复 可商谈 寻找有责任心 工作 信誉,不在室内抽烟喝酒按时交房租, 1个25磅小动物可商谈,可商量达成交易。告我你从SFChinese网站看到 租1浴1室的。谢谢!
    【For Rent"I have a very spacious family room here that is connected to the house but can be entered and exited independently." ShowerRoom furniture long marble counter with smoke suck fan inside this spacious room. You rent includes for daily basic use water trash electricity. My hillside of house can sightsee sunrise and sunset, and also beautiful flowers, green trees surround it. On the backyard of hillside, you can often hear birds singing, animals especially squirrels, deers play in there, and plus spectacular bay scenery accompanied. The living environment seems quiet and peaceful.
    Central location, a few minutes drive to freeway 580 238change to 880) exit. 10 minutes walk to bus stop sent you to Bay Fair Mall and Bart (subway) station (also you can take around 20 minutes if walk briskly, 13 minutes by car. A farmers' market On weekends ). Quick access to SF Airport freeway close route, You can also do bus or subway (Bart) to Oackland Chinatown San Francisco Mall too16 miles to the University of California, Berkeley, Near California StatEast Bay University/ Lake Chabot College/Livermore Mall/ Lake Chabot Park (you can jogging or go boating in the reservoir there). About 10 minutes away to Chinese Supermarket Food Tea House/Convenience store/hospital/fast food/shopping/car garage/post office express store/Visit city SF go SF Air Port/East to get out without buying a car. 591square feet. My city San Leandro 94578 is next to the city Castro Valley, If you are interested, please message 5109258001 I reply. Look for responsibility have job good credit don’t smoke and drink drunk indoor and Pay rent on time. One Under 25 pounds a small pet can negotiate price, we can talk about it to make deal. Tell me you found me from the SF Chinese website and you want a room with shower one. Thank you!


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