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      新雅海鲜酒家-Sun Ya Seafood Restaurant
      2023-01-18 09:46:05发布 443次浏览
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      • 联系人:新雅海鲜酒家
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
      • 区域:西雅图 605 7th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104
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    Unlike many of the restaurants in the International District, this dim sum eatery has a parking lot available for guests, making getting in and out for a quick bite far more painless than many of its competitors. It manages to remain consistently busy, but due to the size of the room, rarely has a wait. The carts tend to come quickly and be well stocked here, full of most of the usual dim sum suspects: various kinds of dumplings, buns of all types, and vegetables with shrimp paste. One unique dish that you want to be sure to catch, though, is Sun Ya’s wonderful roast duck, which comes out around midday on weekends. This is a special of theirs and makes this a must-try dim sum stop for something a little different. Aside from daily dim sum, Sun Ya also has lunch specials and does a full menu of standard Chinese meat and seafood dishes in the evenings.

    地址:605 7th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104


     605 7th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104

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    新雅海鲜酒家-Sun Ya Seafood Restaurant 新雅海鲜酒家-Sun Ya Seafood Restaurant 新雅海鲜酒家-Sun Ya Seafood Restaurant 新雅海鲜酒家-Sun Ya Seafood Restaurant 新雅海鲜酒家-Sun Ya Seafood Restaurant 新雅海鲜酒家-Sun Ya Seafood Restaurant

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