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      Gordito's Healthy Mexican Food
      2023-01-19 11:10:09发布 485次浏览
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      • 联系人:Gordito's Healthy Mexican Food
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      • 区域:西雅图 213 N 85th St., Seattle
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    For those who adhere to the cautionary maxim, "never eat anything bigger than your head," enter at your own risk. The food at the muy popular Gordito's (which means "little fat one" in Spanish -- referring, perhaps, to the girth of the loaf-sized burritos) is "healthy" in that meats are grilled instead of fried and there's not a tub of lard to be found on the premises. But that doesn't mean anyone should attempt to eat the whole burrito. (The Burrito Grande requires two large flour tortillas to restrain its innards, and even their version of the usually manageable quesadilla is substantial.) Many who order these large burritos end up having two additional meals from the leftovers, which makes for very cheap dining indeed. Fillings are plentiful and varied, ranging from prawns to chicken, steak to tofu and spinach. Order at the counter, take a seat, and food will be delivered by smiling servers -- but don't overdo the free chips and salsa, and don't forget to bus your own dishes. The spacious bi-level dining room, with high white walls rising over terra-cotta tile floors, can get a bit noisy when packed. Fortunately, most folks are too busy eating to talk much. -- Ginny Morey

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     213 N 85th St., Seattle

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