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      大提琴演奏家闻思飞全新个人专辑《Noël Cello Angel-The Acapella Playlist-Romantic Encores 2021》

      2022-01-22 06:43:00发布,长期有效,351浏览
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    大提琴演奏家闻思飞独奏音乐会 保加利亚国际玫瑰节压轴, 全球直播 2022-6-5

    历时约4个小时的youtube 和脸书 现场实况直播取得了圆满成功!本场音乐会极具挑战性,全部采用了无伴奏的形式。上半场展示了闻思飞个人11首最新作品集,其中包括了由她改编的小提琴曲。下半场演奏了巴赫双小提琴协奏曲,帕萨卡丽亚,结尾演奏了由她改编的二重奏保加利亚著名民歌。音乐会中特别献上了一首由加拿大著名作曲家专为他俩谱写的抗疫曲“温柔的抚摸",著名法国作曲家专为他们谱写的”孤单的对话“。均属首演。
    音乐会期间特别介绍了赞助商--4位提琴制作大师以及他们所制作的作品。小提琴节目分别用了5只不同的提琴演奏。此场音乐会也正式拉开了不久将举行的国际提琴演奏 / 制作大赛序幕!有兴趣者请留言关注我们。

    演出:String Fusion Duo

    1. 大提琴独奏:德沃夏克《 母亲教我的歌》
    2. 大提琴独奏:柴可夫斯基《感伤的华尔兹》
    3. 大提琴独奏:埃尔加《爱的敬意》
    4. 大提琴独奏:圣桑《天鹅》
    5. 大提琴独奏:马斯卡尼《乡村骑士间奏曲》
    6. 大提琴独奏:维廉姆斯《辛德勒的名单》
    7. 大提琴独奏:舒曼《童年即景》
    8. 大提琴独奏:克莱斯勒《前奏曲和快板》
    9. 大提琴独奏:拉赫玛尼诺夫《G小调奏鸣曲Op19 第一乐章》
    10. 大提琴独奏:拉赫玛尼诺夫《G小调奏鸣曲Op19 第三乐章》
    11. 大提琴独奏:肖邦《G小调奏鸣曲Op.65快板》
    12. 大小提琴二重奏:巴赫双小提琴协奏曲
    13. 小提琴独奏:舒伯特 《圣母颂》
    14. 大小提琴二重奏:《温柔的感动》
    15. 大小提琴二重奏:《孤单的对话》
    16. 大小提琴二重奏:《帕萨卡丽亚》
    17. 小提琴独奏:《J. Massenet - Meditation from Thais》
    18. 大小提琴二重奏:保加利亚《Rachenitza from "Thracian Dances" Suite》
    19. 播放:小提琴协奏曲《圣桑 Op 28 》


    整场:Gala Concert of Sifei Wen, cello & Daniel Tringov, violin-The Grand Finale of the Rose Festival 2022

    大提琴演奏家闻思飞继2022年6月5日历时约4个小时的由保加利亚卡赞拉克市政府主办的国际玫瑰节压轴独奏音乐会(YouTube,脸书现场直播)获得热烈反响,圆满成功后, 为答谢部分艺术节/音乐会赞助商,6月10日在其贵宾PARTY上演奏了由她编辑的世界首创大提琴演奏《维瓦尔第小提琴协奏曲四季》原版完整版中的春、夏二个乐章(她于2013年在美国密西西比艺术节首演,2014年与保加利亚国家室内乐团合作巡演),《野蜂飞舞》及《巴赫双小提琴协奏曲》,《帕萨卡利亚》等。

    Video Chapters:
    0:00 - Opening
    1:03 - Sifei Wen - Cello - Salut D'amour - E. Elgar
    4:00 - Sifei Wen - Cello (Pl. Edrev) - A. Vivaldi - 4 Cello Seasons - I. Spring - 1. Allegro
    8:06 - Sifei Wen - Cello (Pl. Edrev) - A. Vivaldi - 4 Cello Seasons - II. Summer - 3. Presto, "The Storm"
    11:01 - Sifei Wen - Cello (Pl. Edrev) - N. Rimsky-Korsakov - "The Flight of The Bumblebee"
    12:40 - Daniel Tringov - Violin ( I. Shirov) - Fr. Schubert - Ave Maria, D 839
    16:44 - Daniel Tringov - Violin (Bohemian Antique-1905) - J. Williams - "Schindler's List" - Main Theme
    20:22 - Daniel Tringov - Violin (Yamaha Artida-2010) - J. Massenet - Meditation from Thais
    24:52 - Daniel Tringov - Violin (I. Bizov) - Edit Piaf - La Vie en Rose
    28:03 - Daniel Tringov - Violin (Pl. Edrev) and Sifei Wen - Cello (Pl. Edrev) - J. S Bach - Double Concerto in D Minor - I. Vivace
    32:27 - Daniel Tringov - Violin (Pl. Edrev) and Sifei Wen - Cello (Pl. Edrev) - J. S Bach - Double Concerto in D Minor - II. Largo
    38:38 - Daniel Tringov - Violin (Pl. Edrev) and Sifei Wen - Cello (Pl. Edrev) - J. S Bach - Double Concerto in D Minor - III. Allegro
    43:43 - Daniel Tringov - Violin (Pl. Edrev) and Sifei Wen - Cello (Pl. Edrev) - G. Fr. Handel - J. Halvorsen - Passacaglia in G Minor from Suite No 7
    49:44 - D Tringov - Violin (Pl. Edrev) - Encore 1: Russin - Gypsy Romance - "Ochi Chyornie"
    52:30 - D Tringov - Violin (Pl. Edrev) - Encore 2: Russian - Gypsy Romance - "Podmoskovnie Vechera"
    54:51 - D Tringov - ESSEN Bistro, we will be Back - Deutsche Classical Private VIP Club - Exclusive Car Collection - Conceptual Video - 2020 - Live Music Track: D. Tringov - Violin (Fl. Leonhard) - Cl. Debussy - "Clair the Lune"

    好消息!闻思飞获选为 YOUTUBE / Apple Music / Amazon Music / Spotify 官方艺术家!她的全新个人专辑:圣诞节大提琴天使,无伴奏播放列表共11首已在各大流媒体(美、英、德、法、瑞典、以色列、日、印)上架啦 ! 最新消息: 此专辑获选为著名音乐流媒体网站 Popular Spotify 平台推广新人具有公共播放列表的大提琴演奏家 !

    此专辑获选为著名音乐流媒体网站 Popular Spotify 平台推广新人拥有公共播放列表的官方艺术家 !最新出炉的 Popular Spotify 平台50首播放列表中,闻思飞的个人新专辑 《Noël Cello Angel-The Acapella Playlist-Romantic Encores 2021》的11首乐曲中被选中了9首。该播放列表以她专辑的第一首曲目命名:《 Songs My Mother Taught Me 》。50首曲目中包含了 Max Richter, Yo-Yo Ma, Mark O’Connor, Hilary Hahn, Soo Bae, Jian Wang, Mstislav Rostropovich 等著名音乐家的41首优秀作品。

    好消息!全新个人专辑:大提琴演奏家闻思飞 - 圣诞节大提琴天使,无伴奏播放列表共11首在 YOUTUBE MUSIC 上架啦 !
    Noël Cello Angel : The Acapella Playlist 2021 - Romantic Encores


    Hello to All of You-Family, Friends and Fans! Please, enjoy the First 4 Official Videos (out of 11 in total), promoting my First Solo Album: "Noël Cello Angel-The Acapella Playlist-Romantic Encores 2021I am happy to announce today the expected date of my Official Digital CD Release: March 22nd, 2022. Soon more promotional videos will be added, so please-stay tuned! My Best to All-Yours Sincerely, S.W.

    Sifei Wen-Noël Cello Angel-The Acapella Playlist-Romantic Encores 2021

    大提琴的美声唱法!2022情人节 演奏家闻思飞献上一首德沃夏克“母亲教我的歌” A. Dvořák: Songs My Mother Taught Me


    向世界著名作曲家-辛德勒的名单作曲约翰·威廉姆斯 90 岁生日特别祝贺!大提琴演奏家闻思飞献上一曲辛德勒的名单主题曲Schindler's List Theme


    祝大家情人节快乐!大提琴演奏家闻思飞献上一首爱尔加的《爱的敬意》 E. Elgar - Salut d'Amour (Liebesgruß), Op. 12


    Sifei Wen-Noël Cello Angel-Fr. Kreisler: Praeludium and Allegro in the Style of Pugnani-Original, 4K


    大提琴演奏家闻思飞全新个人专辑《Noël Cello Angel-The Acapella Playlist-Romantic Encores 2021》由 God ART Universe 和 Global APP Network 正式发布。

    2022 年 1 月 22 日



    1. A. Dvořák - Songs My Mother Taught Me, Op. 55, No. 4
    2. P. I. Tchaikovsky - Valse Sentimentale, Op. 51, No. 6
    3. E. Elgar - Salut d'Amour(Liebesgruß), Op. 12
    4. C. Saint-Saëns - The Swan (Le Cygne), from The Carnival of the Animals
    5. P. Mascagni - Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana
    6. J. Williams - Schindler's List Theme
    7. R. Schumann - Träumerei (Kinderszenen, Op.15)
    8. Fr. Kreisler - Praeludium and Allegro (in the Style of Pugnani)

    9. S. Rachmaninoff - Cello Sonata in G minor for Cello and Piano, Op. 19 - I. Lento - Allegro moderato
    This is the 1-st Bonus Track to the Album "Noël Cello Angel" - The Acapella Playlist-Romantic Encores 2021, of Concert Cellist Sifei Wen, Published on January 22nd, 2022. Enjoy the wonderful solo rendition of the 1-st Movement of the Cello and Piano Sonata by Sergei Rachmaninoff, written in 1901, published in 1902.

    10. S. Rachmaninoff - Cello Sonata in G minor for Cello and Piano, Op. 19 - III. Andante (E-flat major)
    This is the 2-nd Bonus Track to the Album "Noël Cello Angel" - The Acapella Playlist-Romantic Encores 2021, of Concert Cellist Sifei Wen, Published on January 22nd, 2022. Enjoy the wonderful solo rendition of the 2-nd Movement of the Cello and Piano Sonata by Sergei Rachmaninoff, written in 1901, published in 1902.

    11. F. Chopin - Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 65, I. Allegro moderato
    This is the 3-rd Bonus Track to the Album "Noël Cello Angel" - The Acapella Playlist-Romantic Encores 2021, of Concert Cellist Sifei Wen, Published on January 22nd, 2022. Enjoy the wonderful solo rendition of the 1-st Movement of the Cello and Piano Sonata by Frédéric Chopin, written in 1846 and dedicated to the French Cellist and Composer Auguste Franchomme.

    GOD ART UNIVERSE Proudly Presents: The NEW 2022 ALBUM of the Concert Cellist Sifei Wen -“Noël Cello Angel”- The Acapella Playlist - Romantic Encores 2021.This is Her First Solo Album, consisting of 11 Masterpieces, to be Officially Released for Valentine’s Day 2022 on Audio and Video.Mrs. Wen has her Rare Signature Way to produce the Most Intimate, Distinguish, and Sweet Sound, making it the 21st Century’s “Cello Bel Canto” Showcase. Every Subtle Musical and Visual Nuance is being Carefully Crafted to be Delivered-Mastered to Perfection for Your Ears, Eyes, and Soul.Thank You for Sharing The Great ART Experience with us, so please - feel free to click for the latest news here:






    闻思飞 YOUTUBE 官方频道:https://www.youtube.com/@SifeiWenOfficial

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sifeiwen/?hl=en

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