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      New International Apartment for SMC Students - Clean,Convenient,and Close to Campus!

      2023-10-11 10:52:00发布,长期有效,228浏览
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    • 地址:1331 18th St, Santa Monica, CA 90404
      • 联系人:New International Apartment for SMC Students - Clean,Convenient,and Close to Campus!
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
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    • 信息详情
    This is an international dormitory for students attending Santa Monica College.
    There is no resident manager on site, but the dormitory is under contract with a security company, so you can feel safe and secure.

    To Santa Monica College: 20 minutes on foot/15 minutes by bus/7 minutes by bicycle
    To EC Los Angeles: 15 minutes by bus

    【Floor Plan】
    Living room, 2 bedrooms (middle), 1 bedroom (large), 2 toilets and showers

    Rent (monthly)
    ・Middle-sized room (for 2 people): $1,200
    ・Large room (for 3 people): $1,200
    *Includes utilities, internet, and security company fee
    *Payment Frequency: Every 3 months

    Initial Costs (only when moving in)
    ・Placement Fee: $300
    ・Security Deposit: $300

    【Equipment and Furnishings】
    ・Kitchen (Cooking utensils and tableware/table and chairs)
    ・Each bedroom (bed/private closet and shelves/desk and chair/lighting)
    ・Shower and toilet
    ・On-site laundry facilities (coin-operated/shared in the apartment)
    ・Street parking available

    Santa Monica College's dedicated full-time male students
    *We're eagerly preparing to introduce a female facility very soon!!

    An entrance screening is required.

    The apartment is ready for immediate occupancy.
    Feel free to reach out to us!
    *Text or email preferred.


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