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      Room with private bathroom available in Monterey Park ($1200/month)

      2025-01-16 03:50:00发布,长期有效,260浏览
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    • 地址:317 N Nicholson Ave
      • 联系人:Room with private bathroom available in Monterey Park ($1200/month)
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
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    • 信息详情

    I have a room and private bathroom available in a 3 bed / 2.5 bath apartment in Monterey Park.

    There is also a half bathroom, living room (with couch and TV), kitchen (with electric stove, oven, dishwasher, microwave, and refrigerator/freezer), backyard patio, and washer/dryer available to share.

    The apartment comes with central heating/cooling and internet access, but I ask that you please contribute to the utility bills at the end of each month. Running water is available but not included in the list of utilities.

    There is only one parking spot that I am currently using, but street parking is available nearby.

    Please note that the photos are from before moving in. I am happy to show updated photos and/or provide a virtual tour if requested.

    About me: I am a 33 year old male doing research in biochemistry. I am typically home between the hours of 8 pm - 9 am on the weekdays and 5 pm - noon on the weekends. Hobbies include music, sports, exercise, podcasts, philosophy, and nature/hiking. My wife is currently living in San Francisco and comes to visit occasionally.

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