
过期的驾驶执照 移民与海关执法局 (ICE)和联邦监狱管理局和市住房等部门以前的文件 过期三年内的外国护照 机器无法读取的外国护照......


American Museum of Natural History Carnegie Hall Central Park Zoo (Enrollment is available at the Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, and New York Aquarium) Flushing Town Hall King Manor Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Metropolitan Museum of Art Museum of the City of New York New York Aquarium (Enrollment is available at the Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, and New York Aquarium) New York City Ballet New York City Center Prospect Park Zoo (Enrollment is available at the Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, and New York Aquarium) ......
Amalgamated Bank USALLIANCE Carver Federal Savings Bank EastWest Bank First Republic Bank Lower East Side People's Federal Credit Union Melrose Credit Union Neighborhood Trust Federal Credit Union PNC Bank Spring Bank University Settlement Federal Credit Union Urban Upbound Federal Credit Union
IDNYC Entertainment Deals Entertainment Cruises SoHo Playhouse Chelsea Film Festival (CFF) The Kartrite Resort & Indoor Waterpark Sporting Events: Baseball, Basketball, Soccer and Hockey The Sullivan Event Center
处方药折扣 纽约市健康疫苗记录 NYC Health + Hospitals (H+H)
Aviator Sports and Events Center Chelsea Piers: Sky Rink and Golf Club Bike New York Blink Fitness New York City Parks Department New York City's YMCA Citi Bike New York Road Runners Ballet School NY
Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment New York City Football Club IDNYC Entertainment Deals
Avis Budget Hertz Zipcar
KidPass Arts and Culture Libraries
Brooklyn Public Library New York Public Library Queens Library


纽约州众议员Nicole Malliotakis

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- 注意!报税季到来,华女接2万元IRS罚款 时隔两年后才知原因![图]
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